Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I heard his footsteps ungracefully approaching. Storming through our fields of doubt and into a place where I thought I was safe.
What are you doing here?
I asked, trembling as the wind blew harder and dust danced around my face.

He did not reply, and only stared at me, as if I were death itself. I had followed him adn now he had followed me. But this was not what I had wanted.

I showed you this place. He whispered with a voice so low that it was barely intelligible. I had expected this voice to be new to me, an unfamilar tone to surround me and confirm my fears. But this sound was all too familiar to me, and I had no idea why a strangers voice would havve such an effect. Colours flew in front of my face as I expereinced a vertigo of realisation. Could I be crazy? This could not be so, I could of sworn he had followed me, though something was telling me different.

I had shown her somewhere to be safe, but it had not helped. Her mind was now working backwards. She accused me of stalking her, following her without reason. Had she no memory of me? What about the days, weeks, months, years of our new found togetherness? I did not want to go back to the deeep fathom of loneliness as I had been in once before.

I'm here.

I said to her. She just looked back at me with confusion and mistrust. I didn't want to admit that they had been right. She could not be crazy. Our talks had been meaningful, life changing and she did not remember them? How, with her newly found self could she not remember me who made her that way? Even in thought this sounds arrogant, but I can be arrogant with her. She had made me the gloriously happy man I was now, even with the constant fear of the end as it crawled cloesr and closer. She started to shout adn my mind went numb. She did not remember.

I love you

I said once more as she shotued for help from the stalking stranger she was accusing me of being. As if a gun had been shot, she darted to the floor. Then, with a newfound peace and serenity, she crossed her legs in the field. Faced me and whispered the three words back, with such strongly accented vulnerability and question... I sat down, crossed my legs and faced her once more. As our vision clouded out the loneliness and confusion, we started from square one once again.

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