Monday, January 12, 2009

. Conor

I don't think Esme will ever know how much I love her. Some could call it obsession, yet I knew Esme knew otherwise. It was the extreme fascination, adoration and above all adoration I felt for her. Her never waking nights entranced me as I wondered how could that be possible? To be at such peace with yourself and the world that you could fall asleep as soon as your head graced its soft pillow. Were there no doubts crashing through her mind? I felt as if her worries were only for me, and not for her. If I was with her, she was alright, she was safe from the never ending fear of my unhappiness. Although there must be some selfishness in there, some greed, hate, maybe some regret...of meeting me? No was the answer, for Esme had no doubts, no selfishness and loved everyone she met. I should of hated that about her, and I did... in a loving kind of way.

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